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Home Loans


We have over 30 lenders on our panel.

AMP, ANZ, Auswide Bank, Australian Military Bank, Bankwest, Bendigo Bank, Better Choice Home Loans, Better Mortgage Management, Bluestone, BOQ (Bank of Queensland), CBA (Commonwealth Bank of Australia), Citibank, Community First Credit Union, Firstmac, ING, La Trobe, Macquarie, NAB (National Australia Bank), Newcastle Permanent Building Society, Pepper Money, St George, Suncorp, Teachers Mutual Bank, Think tank, Virgin Money, and Westpac.


If you're looking to apply for a loan, kindly fill out the following details below.









This information provides general guidance only and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation, or needs. We recommend that you assess its appropriateness for your circumstances and that you review your complete financial situation before accepting any offer or product. It does not constitute legal, tax, or financial advice, and it is always advisable to seek professional advice tailored to your individual circumstances. The referenced interest rates and home loan products are indicative and provided for informational purposes only. They are general in nature and based on the offers received by Heritage Commercial Brokers Pty Ltd, trading as My Broker Solutions (ABN 36 120 975 484), as Credit Representatives of Connective Services, as of the research date.

Disclaimer: Your complete financial needs and requirements must be assessed before any offer or acceptance of a loan product.

Additional disclaimer: Subject to the terms and conditions, fees and charges, and eligibility criteria set by the lender.

Licensing Statement: Credit Representative 514087 is authorized under Australian Credit License 389328.

For the full Terms and Conditions, please refer to the Broker for a copy of their Privacy Statement and Credit Guide.